


Towards addressing the awarding gap-Using critical race theory to contextualise the role of intersectionality in Black pharmacy student attainment (Med Educ 2024)

Mawdsley A, Magola-Makina E, Willis SC. Towards addressing the awarding gap-Using critical race theory to contextualise the role of intersectionality in Black pharmacy student attainment. Med Educ. 2024 Jun 28. Epub ahead of print. 背景:…

Experiencing and enduring patient distress: the distress of palliative care patients and its emotional impact on physicians in training (BMC Med Educ 2024)

Tarot A, Pithon M, Ridley A, Guastella V, Plancon M, Aubry R, Roussel HV, Maneval A. Experiencing and enduring patient distress: the distress of palliative care patients and its emotional impact on physicians in training. BMC Med Educ. 202…

Assessing professional behaviors: a self-administered scale for medical students during clerkships (BMC Med Educ 2024)

Xin C, Song X, Wang S, Cui X, Ding N, Wen D. Assessing professional behaviors: a self-administered scale for medical students during clerkships. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24:692. 背景:医療プロフェッショナリズムは、クラークシップ期間中の医学生に…

Moral competency of students at a german medical school - A longitudinal survey (BMC Med Educ 2024)

Nadolny S, Bruns F, Nowak A, Schildmann J. Moral competency of students at a german medical school - A longitudinal survey. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24:691. 背景:医学生や医師は、臨床実践において様々な課題に直面する。そのなかには倫理的な問題に関…

Effects of (de)motivating supervision styles on junior doctors' intrinsic motivation through basic psychological need frustration and satisfaction: an experimental vignette study (Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2024)

van der Goot WE, Van Yperen NW, Albers CJ, Jaarsma ADC, Duvivier RJ. Effects of (de)motivating supervision styles on junior doctors' intrinsic motivation through basic psychological need frustration and satisfaction: an experimental vignet…

Promoting clinical reasoning in undergraduate Family Medicine curricula through concept mapping: a qualitative approach (Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2024)

Fonseca M, Marvão P, Rosado-Pinto P, Rendas A, Heleno B. Promoting clinical reasoning in undergraduate Family Medicine curricula through concept mapping: a qualitative approach. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2024 Jun 24. Epub ahead of …

Can ChatGPT generate practice question explanations for medical students, a new faculty teaching tool? (Med Teach 2024)

Tong L, Wang J, Rapaka S, Garg PS. Can ChatGPT generate practice question explanations for medical students, a new faculty teaching tool? Med Teach. 2024 Jun 20:1-5. Epub ahead of print. 背景:医学部では、多肢選択問題(MCQs)が形成的評価に…

A podcast to teach medical humanities at medical school: a text-mining study of students' lived experience (Med Educ Online 2024)

Roze E, Nilles C, Louapre C, Soumet-Leman B, Renaud MC, Dechartres A, Atkinson-Clement C. A podcast to teach medical humanities at medical school: a text-mining study of students' lived experience. Med Educ Online. 2024;29:2367823. 背景:…

Mixed-methods study of medical students' attitudes toward peer physical examinations in Japan (BMC Med Educ 2024)

Suzuki E, Nawa N, Okada E, Akaishi Y, Kashimada A, Numasawa M, Yamaguchi K, Takada K, Yamawaki M. Mixed-methods study of medical students' attitudes toward peer physical examinations in Japan. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24:681. 背景:日本のほとん…

Clinical sensemaking: Advancing a conceptual learning model of clinical reasoning (Med Educ 2024)

Koufidis C, Manninen K, Nieminen J, Wohlin M, Silén C. Clinical sensemaking: Advancing a conceptual learning model of clinical reasoning. Med Educ. 2024 Jun 20. Epub ahead of print. 背景:臨床推論が臨床環境でどのように学習されるかについて…

Personal career decisions during medical training are not complicated, they are complex (Med Educ 2024)

Harper LL, Desy J, Davis M, Weeks S, McLaughlin K. Personal career decisions during medical training are not complicated, they are complex. Med Educ. 2024 Jun 18. Epub ahead of print. 背景:医学研修が成功したとみなされるためには、適切な臨…

The Perceived Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Medical Education of Residents in 2021 and 2022 (J Grad Med Educ 2024)

Berthold A, Luchsinger L, Siegrist M. The Perceived Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Medical Education of Residents in 2021 and 2022. J Grad Med Educ. 2024;16:318-322. 背景:最近の研究では、COVID-19パンデミックが医学教育界にどのよ…

Cultural competences among future nurses and midwives: a case of attitudes toward Jehovah's witnesses' stance on blood transfusion (BMC Med Educ 2024)

Domaradzki J, Głodowska K, Doron E, Markwitz-Grzyb N, Jabkowski P. Cultural competences among future nurses and midwives: a case of attitudes toward Jehovah's witnesses' stance on blood transfusion. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24:663. 背景:トラン…

"A great step in treating cervical cancer": Patient and provider perceptions about cervical cancer therapeutic vaccines (Patient Educ Couns 2024)

Whitmer A, Fuzzell LN, Lowery S, Arevalo M, Rathwell J, Arredondo B, Mason AL, Geiss C, Giuliano A, Vadaparampil ST. "A great step in treating cervical cancer": Patient and provider perceptions about cervical cancer therapeutic vaccines. P…

The tip of the iceberg: Generalism in undergraduate medical education, a systems thinking analysis (Med Educ 2024)

Kelly M, Power L, Lee A, Boudreault N, Ali M, Hubinette M. The tip of the iceberg: Generalism in undergraduate medical education, a systems thinking analysis. Med Educ. 2024 Jun 15. Epub ahead of print. 背景:世界的にジェネラリストの医師が…

Mapping Educational uncertainty stimuli to support health professions educators' in developing learner uncertainty tolerance (Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2024)

Lazarus MD, Gouda-Vossos A, Ziebell A, Parasnis J, Mujumdar S, Brand G. Mapping Educational uncertainty stimuli to support health professions educators' in developing learner uncertainty tolerance. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2024 Ju…

The experiences of students with mental health difficulties at medical school: a qualitative interview study (Med Educ Online 2024)

Rich A, Viney R, Silkens M, Griffin A, Medisauskaite A. The experiences of students with mental health difficulties at medical school: a qualitative interview study. Med Educ Online. 2024;29:2366557. 背景:医学生におけるバーンアウト、不安…

Study demands and resources affect academic well-being and life satisfaction of undergraduate medical students in the Netherlands (Med Educ 2024)

Scheepers RA, Hilverda F, Vollmann M. Study demands and resources affect academic well-being and life satisfaction of undergraduate medical students in the Netherlands. Med Educ. 2024 Jun 11. Epub ahead of print. 背景:医学生は、高い学習要…

Ownership of Patient Care: Medical Students' Expectations, Experiences, and Evolutions Across the Core Clerkship Curriculum (Teach Learn Med 2024)

Kiger ME, Meyer HS. Ownership of Patient Care: Medical Students' Expectations, Experiences, and Evolutions Across the Core Clerkship Curriculum. Teach Learn Med. 2024 Jun 10:1-13. Epub ahead of print. 背景:患者ケアのオーナーシップは、プロ…

Exploring Factors Influencing Medical Trainees' Specialty Choice: Insights from a Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey in Jordan (Teach Learn Med 2024)

Aldahamsheh O, Halayqeh S, Alfayyadh M, Smadi Z, Abu Halimeh S, AlMadani M, Shatnawi W, Ellouzy S, Abufaraj M. Exploring Factors Influencing Medical Trainees' Specialty Choice: Insights from a Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey in Jordan. T…

What's your experience?: A duoethnographic dialogue to advance disability inclusion in medical education (Med Educ 2024)

Jain NR, Alwazzan L. What's your experience?: A duoethnographic dialogue to advance disability inclusion in medical education. Med Educ. 2024 Jun 7. Epub ahead of print. 背景:医学教育における障害インクルージョンは、国際的に関心を集めてい…

Frontline assessors' opinions about grading committees in a medicine clerkship (BMC Med Educ 2024)

Lewis SK, Nolan NS, Zickuhr L. Frontline assessors' opinions about grading committees in a medicine clerkship. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24:620. 背景:成績評価委員会による集団的意思決定は、個人評価と比較して成績評価と総括的評価の公平性と一貫性を…

The effects of gender discrimination on medical students' choice of specialty for their (junior) residency - a survey among medical students in Germany (BMC Med Educ 2024)

Stock J, Kaifie A. The effects of gender discrimination on medical students' choice of specialty for their (junior) residency - a survey among medical students in Germany. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24:601. 背景:ジェンダー差別は、さまざまな場面で…

Did the students' satisfaction rates at Avalon University School of Medicine correlate with the occurrence of accreditation site visits? (Med Teach 2024)

Arja SB, Kumar A, White BA, Thompson A. Did the students' satisfaction rates at Avalon University School of Medicine correlate with the occurrence of accreditation site visits? Med Teach. 2024 Jun 4:1-7. Epub ahead of print. 背景:医学教育…

Do the teaching, practice and assessment of clinical communication skills align? (BMC Med Educ 2024)

Dewi SP, Wilson A, Duvivier R, Kelly B, Gilligan C. Do the teaching, practice and assessment of clinical communication skills align? BMC Med Educ. 2024;24:609. 背景:教室で学んだコミュニケーションスキルの指導は、臨床現場で適用される評価方…

Exploring the adoption of concept-based curricula: insights from educators and implications for change (Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2024)

Tweedie J, Pelly F, Wright H, Palermo C. Exploring the adoption of concept-based curricula: insights from educators and implications for change. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2024 Jun 3. Epub ahead of print. 背景:内容やカリキュラムの…

In experts' words: Translating theory to practice for teaching self-regulated learning (Med Teach 2024)

Isbej L, Waterval D, Riquelme A, Véliz C, de Bruin ABH. In experts' words: Translating theory to practice for teaching self-regulated learning. Med Teach. 2024 May 31:1-7. Epub ahead of print. 背景:保健医療専門職教育(HPE)は、学生が学習…

Effects of a competence-based approach for clerkship teaching under alternating clinical placements: An explanatory sequential mixed-methods research (Med Teach 2024)

Yang DY, Zhuang XD, Li JX, Jiang JZ, Guo Y, Zhang XY, Liu J, Chen W, Liao XX, Taylor DCM. Effects of a competence-based approach for clerkship teaching under alternating clinical placements: An explanatory sequential mixed-methods research…

The role of medical schools in UK students' career intentions: findings from the AIMS study (BMC Med Educ 2024)

Ferreira T, Collins AM, Handscomb A, Al-Hashimi D; AIMS Collaborative. The role of medical schools in UK students' career intentions: findings from the AIMS study. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24:604. 背景:本研究の目的は、英国の医学部間における学生…

Effectiveness of empathy portfolios in developing professional identity formation in medical students: a randomized controlled trial (BMC Med Educ 2024)

Baseer M, Mahboob U, Shaheen N, Mehboob B, S Abdullah A, Siddique U. Effectiveness of empathy portfolios in developing professional identity formation in medical students: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24:600. 背景:医…